Want to find out more?
Accanto’s Stratoss™ software platform is designed to operate, predict and automate the networks of today and tomorrow. The Stratoss™ platform, offering two products – the Stratoss™ Quality Manager and the Stratoss™ Lifecycle Manager – delivers business value by fully automating the management and operations of carrier grade virtual networks, proactively ensuring physical and virtual networks deliver against end customer expectation.
StratOSS™ Lifecycle Manager
Automating the Operational Lifecycle of Virtual and Physical Network Services.
Reinventing networks with cloud-based networking
Service enhancement, elastic scale and new revenue opportunities.
Heavy Reading
NFV Service Design and Operations: Saving the Sorcerer’s Apprentice.
Analysys Mason
Analysys Mason Choosing a VNF Lifecycle Management Solution (Analyst, Anil Rao outlines key challenges and crucial considerations for CSPs).