What is Stratoss™?
What is Stratoss™?
Stratoss is a new cloud native product, designed to deliver web-scale levels of operational automation for the cloud-based networking world across highly distributed environments – both to telco and enterprise service providers.
A new OSS “in the control plane”, Stratoss accelerates the design, creation and continuous optimization of enterprise and communications services. It delivers “lights out” operational automation across hybrid and distributed cloud environments, lowering the cost of managing edge cloud fabrics for Enterprise and 5G, and increasing the pace of innovation.
Built from scratch as a fully cloud native product, Stratoss offers comprehensive end-to-end Service Orchestration, productized service modelling and design-to-operation DevOps CICD features, to create a unique product solution.

Network Service Lifecycle Automation

Why is Stratoss unique?
Many orchestration vendors make bold claims in terms of automation, which makes it challenging to understand precisely what sets Stratoss apart in this dynamic market.
‘Opinionated’ Product Mode
Service modelling
Why is Stratoss unique?
Many orchestration vendors make bold claims in terms of automation, which makes it challenging to understand precisely what sets Stratoss apart in this dynamic market.
‘Opinionated’ Product Mode
Service modelling
Managing this complexity with current manually intensive operating model is prohibitive.
Managing the increasing complexity of networks as they move from traditional to cloud-based models becomes too challenging for today’s manually intensive operating model.
Here’s a comparison of how Stratoss can improve on today’s silo’d traditional model….
Day 0
Design & Test

Network Service Engineering Design technical service
– no operational foresight

Day 1
Initial Rollout

Automated VNF instantiation with highly manual inter VNF configuration tasks

Day 2
Change Management

Complex manual operations to identify and resolve issues, perform upgrades or service re-design

AI driven resolution of identified errors, with further auto diagnostics for unknown errors
The Value Proposition

The Value Proposition

Making all VNF lifecycle operations look the same

Model the service rather than program its lifecycle workflows

Tools to ease onboarding and testing of VNFs and Servicess